HNL’s GA-100 is a small, handheld and a convenient instrument to test & achieve optimum combustion efficiency in boilers & furnaces, a dire necessity in today’s world of ever-increasing fuel costs and a great value for money with the quick payback period of few months.
- User Selectable Fuels – Oil, Coal, Gas
- Discrete LEDs to indicate – FAULTS, FUELS, Operation Status, Parameter on Display
- Automatic Self Calibration: Field Calibration is automatic & begins with every startup with fresh
air aspirated instead of Gas sample - Automatic self-check for efficiency calculation: With aspirated fresh air specific percentage efficiency of the selected fuel is displayed as a check on its calculations
- Self Supervisory Diagnosis: Continuously checks the status of:-
1) Battery Voltage
2) Sample Flow
3) Oxygen Sensor - Sturdy stainless steel sampling probe with extension tubing for ease of measurement
- The thermocouple in the tip of probe measures the temperature at a point of sampling to minimize error
- Time-tested high suction inbuilt sampling pump acts against the draft. Supervisory circuit continuously monitors it against failure.
- Inline Filter to Inbuilt Moisture & Dust, Disposable easy to replace filter element. Supervisory Diagnostic circuit continuously checks it against choking
- Retains the readings till the next sampling
- Compact Aluminum Housing
- Rechargeable Ni-cad battery pack with charger
- Maintenance & Spare Parts: Designed for maintenance-free operation.
- Long Life Sensor
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