ambient air monitoring

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Systems

The Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Systems or AAQMS manufactured and sold at HNL monitors the level of pollutants accurately. The air monitoring systems are custom designed to best meet each application’s unique demands. From a single analyzer to complete turnkey systems (Both Mobile and Fixed) with shelters, hard-wired or wireless data transfer to the pollution boards. HNL Systems provides a wide range of products and solutions to meet much of the Ambient Air Quality Monitoring demands. We talk to our customers about their specific needs and tailor the ambient air quality monitoring system accordingly.
  • Conventional Analyzers – SO2, H2S, NOx, NH3, CO, CO2, O3, and HC BTX Analyzer – Benzene, Toluene, and Xylene Particulate Monitoring -TSP, PM10, PM2.5 using Meteorological Sensors.
  • PERSONAL AIR SAMPLER – HNL Personal air sampler with an appropriate sample head is designed to collect virtually any industrial contaminant including particulate samples like dust, fibers, fumes, and mists as well as vapors and gases where a high flow rate is permitted.
  • AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STATION – Air Quality stations deliver precise measurement data in real-time for a wide range of air pollutants in a discreet and compact package. Measureable parameters include: ozone (O3); nitrogen dioxide (NO2); nitrogen oxides (NOx): carbon monoxide (CO); carbon dioxide (CO2); sulphur dioxide (SO2); volalite organic compounds (VOC); and particulate matter by mass (PM10 and PM2.5) or size distribution (0.3 to 10 µm, 8-channels) and also in portable type.
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